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nThe Snow Queen flyer, April 4, 1948, ph
A Day at The Beach, Children's Theatre
A Day at the Beach
Day at the Beach
A Day at the Beach Flyer 1949

A Day at the Beach

The Snow Queen


Tom Sawyer

nThe Farce of Maitre Pierre Patelin,no p

The Farce of Maitre Pierre Patelin

The Wise and the Foolish

The Wise and the Foolish

Master of All Masters
Pinocchio Ticket Stub
Pinocchio Flyer
Allen Silverman as Pinocchio
Muriel Painting Makeup on Pinocchio


Many Moons
Many Moons

Many Moons

The Tale of the Donkey
The Tale of the Donkey
The Tale of the Donkey
Florence Winston
The Glass Slipper, Booklet, 1959-60
The Glass Slipper
The Glass Slipper
Florence Winston

The Glass Slipper

Master of All Masters

The Tale of the Donkey

Jeffrey Friedman as Emil
The Detectives
Nina Hellman and Jeffrey Friedman
Jeffrey Friedman as Emil
Jeffrey Friedman and The Detectives
The Man in the Bowler Hat and Emil
Jeffrey Friedman as Emil
Jeffrey Friedman and Nina Hellman
The Train Scene
The Train Scene w/ Isaaca Siegel

Emil and the Detectives

Roxanne Lynn as Hermia
Cast Curtain Call
A Midsummer Night's Dream Flyer
Jeffrey Friedman and Roxanne Lynn
Betsy Hellman as Puck
Betsy Ottenberg as Titania

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Eugene Pressman as The Blue Prince
Betsy, Margaret, Eugene, and Bari

The Prince Who Learned Everything Out of Books

Cast List
Betsy Hellman and Malcolm Nagin
Jeffrey Friedman as Silvio
Cast Photo
Margaret Gruen as a Zany
4 Zanies
Betsy Hellman and Malcolm Nagin
Production Staff

The Servant of Two Masters

Cast List
Sun Sing Theatre in Chinatown
Betsy Hellman (Center)
Royal Court Scene


Jerry Pantzer, cinematographer
Jeffrey Friedman and Lorna Sinclair
The Unborn, Public Relations

The Unborn

Jenny Robinson as Great Gertrude
Andrea Lang
Nina as The Blind Man
Margaret Gruen as a Madonna figure
Jenny Robinson
Jenny Robinson as Great Gertrude

The Play of Innocence and Change

The Little Green Bird
The Little Green Bird, Parade
The Little Green Bird Cast List

The Little Green Bird

Muriel in Harem Costume
Muriel, A Rare Beauty
Formal Portrait of Muriel
Muriel Sharon in Medieval Costume
Muriel with Student
Muriel and Sidney Taken in Photo Booth

Muriel Sharon

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